Bloomsbury’s Secondary School offers a broad, balanced curriculum, and builds on foundation skills from the Primary School. At the end of each key stage, each subject has a target. Students work towards developing skills, knowledge, and understanding at their appropriate level.
Years 7, 8 and 9
- English (Either as a First or Second Language)
- Thai (with separate programmes for speakers of Thai as a first or as an additional language)
- Mathematics
- Science
- Topic (which includes history and geography)
- Art
- Computing
- Mandarin Chinese
- Music
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
- Physical Education (PE)
My iMaths and Bedrock are online systems that support our delivery of Mathematics and English respectively. Additional support is provided by the English as an Additional Language team for children who are not yet able to access the curriculum independently.
Global Citizenship Education is a theme that runs through the curriculum.

Years 10 and 11
In Key Stage 4, Bloomsbury offers the Cambridge IGCSE, the world’s most popular international curriculum for 14 – 16 year olds. Students generally take 8 subjects and should aim to sit the IGCSE examinations in all subjects they are taking. Examinations are set and conducted by the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) syndicate in England, and papers are all marked externally. The results of these examinations are graded, from A* – G.
At Bloomsbury, we offer the following subjects at IGCSE level:
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology
- Thai
- Computer Science
- Global Perspectives
- Travel and Tourism
- Business Studies
- Art and Design
- Music
Global Citizenship Education is a theme that runs through the curriculum.