Hello, I am from Cape Town, South Africa. In my spare time, I enjoy travelling, reading, swimming and the outdoors. I look forward to learning about Thai culture and traditions. This is my ninth year of teaching in a British curriculum school internationally. I taught in Kuwait for five years, before going to Myanmar. It was at the Cambridge English School in Kuwait, where I was employed as a kindergarten teacher, where I was introduced to EYFS teaching and the English National Curriculum. We used a largely play based approach that was natural for me after my Waldorf teacher training, which wholeheartedly focuses on children being educated holistically.My teaching is all about children learning actively, creatively, finding meaning in their learning and also enjoying the process. I strive to work with each child as a unique individual and to accommodate him/her accordingly.We have been teaching exclusively online since March last year and I have been able to make this the focus of my Masters research programme. Learning from birth to five years, is one of the most critical periods in a child’s development. Young children thrive in a learning environment which allow them to grow, explore and discover the world. I believe that this can be enhanced by giving children lots of opportunities to learn through play facilitated by the teacher to encourage language-rich play. Storytelling not only develop children’s early literacy skills, it also develops their brains, ability to focus, concentration, social skills and their communication skills. Therefore, it is important to read aloud to children everyday so that they become readers before they learn to read. Young children develop at a rapid pace and I am always amazed at how much they grow and develop within an academic year. I look forward to bringing out the best in each of my young learners as well as being part of the Bloomsbury International School community. “We are not, ‘JUST TEACHERS.’ We are the managers of the world’s greatest resource: “CHILDREN!” – R.J. Meehan