Timeless Moments of Student Achievement
Steam Week with Key Stage 1 was full of exciting science demonstrations. The children loved seeing dry ice turn to gas...
On Thursday 26th September, Bloomsbury International School held an eggstraordinary STEAM Day for Years 3, 4, 5, and...
Secondary Beach Day
On Monday, 23 September, our Year 11 Global Perspectives students presented a powerful assembly about the local and...
STEAM Week, 23-27 September
We are thrilled to announce that, following the success of last year’s STEAM Day, Bloomsbury International School will...
It’s our first day of CCA!
Young entrepreneurs and cricket, as well as the Biology Olympiad Club, yoga, knitting, writing, and reading, to name a...
Prevention is better than a cure!
Bloomsbury gives top priority to the safety of our students and staff while they are at school. We take care to adhere...
Slam dunk!
This week's house competition was a Basketball shooting game which gave the children a fun way to show their skills....
Meet the Teachers
Bloomsbury had a "Meet the Teachers" event on Thursday, August 29th, which gave parents of students in Year 1 and...
CCAs Term 1
Parents and children in Year 1 and above explored an exciting array of CCAs on Wednesday. To give our students as many...