Steam Week with Key Stage 1 was full of exciting science demonstrations. The children loved seeing dry ice turn to gas and watched a can get crushed by air pressure. The burning magnesium was a bright and exciting display. Overall, the week sparked curiosity and made...
On Thursday 26th September, Bloomsbury International School held an eggstraordinary STEAM Day for Years 3, 4, 5, and 6, featuring the highly anticipated Egg Drop Challenge. Students showcased impressive creativity and teamwork as they designed two distinct structures...
On Monday, 23 September, our Year 11 Global Perspectives students presented a powerful assembly about the local and global impacts of plastic pollution. They pointed out that only 6% of plastic is recycled and so the only solution is to reduce our consumption. We saw...
We are thrilled to announce that, following the success of last year’s STEAM Day, Bloomsbury International School will be hosting a full Science Week from Monday, 23rd September to Friday, 27th September. This year, we’ve incorporated multiple STEAM activities to...
Young entrepreneurs and cricket, as well as the Biology Olympiad Club, yoga, knitting, writing, and reading, to name a few, were among the activities that allowed our students to express their creativity in both cognitive and physical ways. Thank you to our wonderful...
Bloomsbury gives top priority to the safety of our students and staff while they are at school. We take care to adhere to protocols for regular disinfection, sanitization, and cleaning. This is especially important when we have an outbreak of influenza in...